12WRC South Dakota, USA - Time Line - Entry Opens

From the 12WRC South Dakota USA  Blog - 
WRC Entry Timeline
The timeline for 12WRC2014 has been approved. Please note the following dates for entry in the 12th World Rogaining Championships 2014 South Dakota. We look forward to having you all here in the Black Hills!
01 Nov 2013 - Phase One Opens
15 Nov 2013 - Phase Two Starts, Phase One Ends
06 Dec 2013 - Phase One Confirm Entry Deadline
13 Dec 2013 - Phase Three Opens - Phase Two Ends
03 Jan 2014 - Phase Two Confirm Entry Deadline
All interested may register during Phase One - even if you are not a Pre-Qualified Entrant. Registration floats your entry higher on the wait list, if applicable. Please contact Rick Emerson, info @ peakassurance.net, for questions.


10th WRC Czech Republic News 26 Aug. 2012


We have recalculated the numbers of the entered participants. Now we register 741 participants in 354 teams. Detailed numbers sorted by individual countries are drawn in a distribution graph of the registered entrants.  http://www.rogaining.cz/wrc2012/en/


U.S. Rogaine Championships 2013 -Results- News Flash - World Rogaining Championship Qualifier

24th July 2013, Results - Results can be found here . Congratulations to the participants and organisers.


News Flash,18th June 2013 - The Rogaine Committee of Orienteering USA confirmed CNYO Rogaine on 13 and 14 July as the U.S. Rogaine Championships, a qualifying event for World Rogaining Championships 2014 South Dakota. http://cnyo.us.orienteering.org/2013/html/ROGAINE_XXIII.html


A North American Rogaining Championships may be held in March 2014. Remember you can obtain an entry to a World Rogaining Championship by Pre Qualifying Entry or by open entry; World Rogaining Championship Entry Criteria, IRF Newsletter 186. 




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